Articles on: Onboarding Questions

What are the differences in the role of the users?

Here are listed the different roles and their accesses and rights:

Organization Admin: An organization admin has access to everything in the organization. The user with the Organization Admin user role can manage all users and channels in their organization. The Organization Admin's permission cannot be changed.

Channel Admin: By default, a Channel Admin has permission to manage everything within a channel. The user with the Channel Admin user role can manage content, integration, push notifications, users, chats, and everything else within the channel. However, an organization administrator can manage the channel admin permissions through the organization dashboard (see below)

Editor: By default, an editor has the permission to manage the content within a channel. The user with the Editor user role can only manage content and integration within the channel. However, an organization administrator can manage the channel administrator's permissions through the organization dashboard

Editor Limited role: Contributing users with the "Editor Limited" role do not have access to the backend of the apps by default. They can only post content in a mix that the curators (Organization Admin, Channel Admin, and Editor) of the channel have granted access to.

Reader: Similar to Editor limited, by default a reader does not have permission to manage anything through the backend dashboard, does not have access there. Users with the role of "reader" can only post content to a mix that the curators (organization administrator, channel administrator, and editor) of the channel have granted access to.

When creating a mix, there is an option to also have Editor Limited and Reader post. More about this at the following article:

Updated on: 23/10/2023

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