Frequently Read Articles
- Why am I seeing error messages like ‘Failed to send comment’ or ‘Failed to load comment’?
- What is 2FA and phone-lock and why I need to activate it?
- How can I use "Native Sharing" extension to share file in chat?
- How can I add content from inside the app?
- How can I ban a user from a chat group?
- Where do I find the sharing extension of my app?
Browse All Categories
- FAQs for AdminsAnswers on all questions referring to the tchop backend system.
- FAQs for UsersInformation referring to questions on the tchop apps.
- FAQ for EnterprisesAnswers on questions referring to platform use by enterprises.
- Onboarding QuestionsCollection of questions and their corresponding answers that are commonly asked by users or customers when they get started
- IntegrationsNo description
- tchop Web AppEverything about the browser based web app.
- tchop Mobile AppsEverything about the mobile apps for iOS and Android
- Privacy & Information SecurityQuestions about privacy, security and related topics
- Frequently Asked QuestionsCollection of questions and their corresponding answers that are commonly asked by users or customers