How do I automate content using the tchop RSS Feed Integration?
Our platform makes it easy to import content - manually or automatically.
With our rss feed integration - - you can set up regular content updates from any website to publish all new content automatically to your chosen mix.
If you are already a tchop user - from the editorial dashboard left-side navigations, go to "Integrations".
You can write your own integration, or use one of our standard integrations that covers a lot of content possibilities and really boosts efficiency.
How to set up a tchop RSS Feed Integration:
Log into your app and select the channel you wish to make the integration connection. Or go directly here -
From your dashboard side navigation, go to "Integrations".
Choose the option "RSS URL Integration".
Click on "CONNECT".

Choose again the Channel you wish to Integrate content to and click "AUTHORIZE"
Select the Mix where you want to create connection from the left navigation

1. Name your connection as you wish.
Add the RSS Feed url where it says "URL of the RSS feed" (This will be a url of xml code you generated from the webpage you want to feed its content from. For info on how to do this, read here "[How do I generate an RSS Feed URL](/hc/en-us/articles/115003101865-How-do-I-generate-an-RSS-Feed-url-)")
Select the input type
If the selected input the type is 'Feed' - all the data will be taken from the rss feed as it is
If the selected input type us 'Parse' (RECOMMENDED) - we just take the link from the rss feed and parse it by ourself
Name the source of your card as per your preference or else the default source will be taken
Choose if you want the content to feed "From now on" or "last 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20"
Choose if you want the content to automatically publish. (If you prefer to review the contents before publishing, then disable this option and publish manually from your dashboard).
Choose if you want the Images from the RSS content to be displayed and if you want the images to be taken from RSS feed.
Select the teaser image style of the card. To know more about different teaser style in article card, check our FAQ: How to set different teaser style in an article card?
Hit SAVE. It should take about 10 minutes to see the feed in your app channel.
To know more about the RSS and its structure, read our blog: How to set up RSS integrations easily within seconds
Updated on: 06/09/2022
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