How do time stamps work? How can I update a time stamp?
Time stamps are visible to your app users at the bottom of every card. It gives an indication about when the card was updated or posted. By default, the time stamp is shown based on when the content of the card was last updated. However, you can mange the time stamp based on two parameters:
Updated time: The time stamp will show the last time when the content of the card was updated.
Posted time: The time stamp will show the last time when the content was (re-)posted (and not updated).

To change the setting of the time stamp:
Go to Edit mode of the Mix

Click ‘More preferences'

Select the desired option in the field ‘Display time stamp in cards based on’

Click ‘Save’

Note: To change the time stamp of cards on read.-only mixes, you need to change the settings in the source mix.
To update the time stamp specified based on ‘Updated time’, simply edit something in the content of the card and click ‘Save’
To update the time stamp specified based on ‘Posted time’, simply repost the card. Please be aware that this will move the card to the top of the News feed.
Updated time: The time stamp will show the last time when the content of the card was updated.
Posted time: The time stamp will show the last time when the content was (re-)posted (and not updated).

To change the setting of the time stamp:
Go to Edit mode of the Mix

Click ‘More preferences'

Select the desired option in the field ‘Display time stamp in cards based on’

Click ‘Save’

Note: To change the time stamp of cards on read.-only mixes, you need to change the settings in the source mix.
To update the time stamp specified based on ‘Updated time’, simply edit something in the content of the card and click ‘Save’
To update the time stamp specified based on ‘Posted time’, simply repost the card. Please be aware that this will move the card to the top of the News feed.
Updated on: 06/09/2022
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