Articles on: FAQ for Enterprises

How can I manage users at organisation?

Organisation level offers you a seamless way to manage large number of users across different channels within your organisation. You can easily change roles of users within one specific or several selected channels. You can add and invite new users to one or more channels of your organisation. You can send reminders to your inactive users and you can even remove unwanted users from the organisation or from specific channels. You can perform all this activity all under single organisation dashboard without the need to switch between channels. 

Isn't it amazing? All thanks to the new organisation level!!

Please follow the instructions described below to understand how to manage users at organisation level.

For adding new users to channels of your organisation:

The process for adding new users to channels of your organisation is very similar to previous process of adding user in a channel dashboard. Simply: 

Go to 'Users' tab

Click on 'Add Users' button

Enter the valid Email of the users and Name (optional)

Note: In case you want to invite multiple readers at once, please click on 'Add another reader' button or select 'Multiple readers invite' for adding bulk users and then click 'Parse'

Select the role of users as a Reader, Editor or Admin. To know more about different user roles, please check: What is the difference between Admin, Curator/Editor, and Reader?

Select the channel(s) in which you want to add the users. By default, all channels of your organisation are pre-selected. You can remove the default setting by simply clicking on the 'All channels' check box and then selecting the channels of your choice manually

Click on 'Add Reader/Editor/Admin' depending on the selected user role

Note: When you invite an user as Reader, you will get an additional option to 'Generate code' where instead of sending the invitation email to the user, you can ask for the pre-generated password on behalf of the user and you can later personally invite the user along with the password. To know more about this amazing feature, please check out: How do I invite users with a personal / customized email?


Once the user(s) were successfully added to your channel(s), you will get the success message with preview of all the details. In case the invited user is already a part of any selected channel, you will be acknowledge by us and the user will be added to the rest of the channels.

For adding old users to new channels of your organisation:

There are two ways to add existing users to news channels. 

The first way is the same as ''For adding new users to channels of your organisation''.

The second way is rather simple and effective. Simply follow this steps:

Go to 'Users' tab

Search the name of the user which you want to invite through our search function or manually

Note: In case the user is not active, you will find the user under the Inactive section._![](

Click on the small arrow available at the end of the row.

4. As soon as you click the arrow, you will see the list of all the channels of your organisation. You can also see in which channels the user is already added.

Now, in order to add old user to a new channel, go the channel and click on 'add to channel' button available beside the channel.

As soon as you click on 'add to channel', the user will be added to the new channel as reader and you will get the success message

For removing users from specific channels of the organisation

Go to 'Users' tab

Search the name of the user whom you want to remove through our search function or manually

Note: In case the user is not active, you will find the user under the Inactive section.


Click on the small arrow available at the end of the row.

4. As soon as you click the arrow, you will see the list of all the channels of your organisation. You can also see in which channels the user is already added.

Click on 'remove' mentioned beside the channel from where you wish to remove the user.

You will get an alert message asking to confirm your action. Click 'Ok' if you want to proceed removing the user. Click 'Cancel' if you wish not to remove the user.

As soon as you click 'Ok', the user will be removed from that channel from your organisation and the user will no longer be able to access that channel.

Please note: If the user is the only Admin in the channel, the user cannot be removed from that channel.

For removing users from the organisation:

For removing the user from the organisation, either 'remove' the user one by one from all the channels by following the steps mentioned in the section ''**For removing users from specific channels of the organisation**'', or simply follow the easy steps described below:

Go to 'Users' tab

Search the name of the user whom you want to remove through our search function or manually

Note: In case the user is not active, you will find the user under the Inactive section.


Put your mouse over the user. You will see a 'X' symbol at the end of the user. Click on the 'X' symbol.

You will get an alert message asking to confirm your action. Click 'Ok' if you want to proceed removing the channel. Click 'Cancel' if you wish not to remove the user.

As soon as you click 'Ok', the user will be removed from your organisation and the user will not longer be able to access any channels of your organisation.

Please note: If the user is the only Admin in the channel, the user cannot be removed from that channel. Once the user is removed from the organisation, you cannot reverse the process and you need to invite him again following the steps mentioned in '**For adding new users to channels of your organisation**'

For changing the role of the users:

Go to 'Users' tab

Search the name of the user whose role you want to change

Note: In case the user is not active, you will find the user under the Inactive section.

Click on the small arrow available at the end of the row.

4. As soon as you click the arrow, you will see the list of all the channels of your organisation. You can also see the role of the user under different channels

Simply navigate to the channel where you want to change the role of the user and click on the 'make Editor', 'make Admin', 'make Reader' button available depending on the user role. For example: if the user is a 'Reader' in the channel. you will see the option to make the user 'Admin' or 'Editor'.

As soon as you click on the button, you will see the change in role status of the user for that channel.

For sending reminders to inactive users (users who haven't logged in even once):

Go to 'Users' tab

Go to 'Inactive' section of user tab. Here will find all the inactive user of your organisation (user who haven't logged in once)

Search the name of the user whom you want to send reminder

To send reminder, simply click on the 'Bell' icon available beside the user. For users invited as 'Reader', there will be two options, one option to pregenerate password where you will receive a new password on behalf of the user. Another option is to (re)send invite.

5. As soon as you click on the resend invite options, you will get an alert message asking to confirm your action. Click 'Ok' if you want to proceed with sending the reminder. Click 'Cancel' if you wish not to send reminder

Please note: In case of Readers, when you 'Send reminder' or 'Regenerate password', the old password for the reader will be become invalid'

Updated on: 06/09/2022

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