How can I get the list of all users of my organization with their profile information?
tchop allows organization admin to export a list of all users of the organization along with other valuable information. These information are:
User id
User name
User email
Company id (if invited via company id)
Last active time
Channel name where the user is part of
Role of the user in different channels
Mobile number
The above information can be imported in the following way:
Go to organisation dashboard
Go the ‘Users’ tab
Click on ‘Download’ icon

The user list will be downloaded in the form of .csv file
User id
User name
User email
Company id (if invited via company id)
Last active time
Channel name where the user is part of
Role of the user in different channels
Mobile number
The above information can be imported in the following way:
Go to organisation dashboard
Go the ‘Users’ tab
Click on ‘Download’ icon

The user list will be downloaded in the form of .csv file
Updated on: 06/09/2022
Thank you!